Steve Kallabat, MD here – and I’m so excited that you’re going to be joining me for my upcoming presentation on non-surgical relief for osteoarthritis.
I understand that trying something out of the box when it comes to your health can be intimidating – if you’re like many of the people who attend my presentations, conventional therapies may not be working for you, and you might feel like your back is against the wall when it comes to your health.
At the presentation, we’ll be sharing with you:
1. The latest science and research backing our non-surgical knee pain solutions that can drastically improve and reduce the symptoms of chronic knee pain.
2. Success stories from dozens of real patients facing these problems that are now living pain-free!
3. Exactly how our cutting-edge, FDA-approved knee pain treatment, which is covered by most insurances including Medicare, works, in simple and easy-to-understand language – no medical doublespeak.
You’ll also have the opportunity to ask and receive answers for any of your questions.
Finally, I’d like you to know that there is hope – If you’ve experienced a declining quality of life as a result of chronic knee pain – even if conventional therapies haven’t been able to give you relief – this non-surgical knee treatment may be able to help.
Nothing gives my team more joy than seeing our patients go back to their favorite activities thanks to successful treatment.
Many of our patients are once again able to enjoy family activities, their favorite sport, and getting outside for fresh air – sometimes after years of being held back by pain.
See you at the event!
Date / Time: Tuesday, October 29th at 6:30 PM
Address / Location: Nu Life Medical, 31333 Southfield Road, Suite 130, Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Yours in health,
Steve Kallabat
We look forward to seeing you at the seminar! Don’t forget to confirm your reservation!
Watch the Short Video Below
To Learn About Non-Surgical Knee Pain Relief …